
2000年 東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科日本画専攻卒業
卒業制作 帝京大学買上
2002年 同大学大学院美術研究科修士課程絵画専攻日本画修了
修了模写 台東区買上
修了制作 図書館情報大学(現筑波大学)買上
2004年 企画展・グループ展(アトリエU.E/富岡)~以後毎年
2006年 個展(広瀬画廊/高崎)~’12年
2007年 二人展(あらかわ画廊/京橋)~以後隔年
2008年 みどりの息吹き(高崎市タワー美術館/高崎)
2009年 郷土の作家展(富岡市立美術博物館/富岡)同’10年 ’11年 ’12年 ’14年
2011年 個展(高崎髙島屋/高崎)~以後隔年
上野瑞香日本画展 ―アリな世界―(富岡市立美術博物館常設展示室/富岡)
2013年 アート昆虫ワールド(高崎市タワー美術館/高崎)
2014年 森の中の美術展XV (中之沢美術館/前橋)
2015年 花笑み-日本画花だより(高崎市タワー美術館/高崎)
2016年 開館15周年記念 タワー美術館ランキング(高崎市タワー美術館/高崎)
2019年 山種美術館日本画アワード
―未来をになう日本画新世代― 入選(山種美術館/広尾)
2021年 彩・色を楽しむ(高崎市タワー美術館/高崎)
2022年 描く心 伝える想い(高崎市タワー美術館/高崎)
2022年 第2回三越伊勢丹・千住博日本画大賞展(日本橋三越本店/日本橋)
2023年 第2回三越伊勢丹・千住博日本画大賞選抜展(日本橋三越本店/日本橋)
令和4年度企業メセナ群馬 芸術文化奨励賞受賞記念 上野瑞香・牛嶋直子・吉村浩美 三人展(株式会社ヤマト本社1階ギャラリーホール/前橋)
I’m painting ordinary things that are around me. For example, I love my garden, so I often paint plants.
When I was a child, I played in my garden. I found many ants, and I was very interested in them. Later, when I had trouble paintings, I wondered what should I paint. Suddenly I remembered the ants in the garden. Ants are everywhere: on the grass, on your dish, on tatami mats, and also on your shoulder. They are very common. In that way, I thought that all things were “ari” in my paintings.
The sound “ari” in Japanese means both “ants” and “I exist”. The red ants were an affirmation of me and my painting style. My ants symbolize me, you and us. The ants often go around the side of the painting to continue their journey. All my ants are going towards the bright side of life.
I’m using mineral pigment grains because I love the color and reflection. Calcite pigments have the best reflection.
Born in Gunma, Japan
Live in Saitama, work in Gunma, Japan
2000 Graduated with BFA in Japanese Painting from Tokyo University of the Arts
2002 Completed MFA in Japanese Painting(Prof. Sawato Hukui)at Tokyo University of the Arts
*Solo Exhibition
2015 “Things Connected to My Life”, Takashimaya Art Gallery, Takasaki, Gunma
2013 “The Line of Ants Goes on Forever”, Takashimaya Art Gallery, Takasaki, Gunma
2011 “Mizuka Ueno ―The Strange and Wonderful Ants’ World”, Tomioka City Museum of Art, Gunma
“La Vie en Rose”, Takashimaya Art Gallery, Takasaki, Gunma
2010 “Aris(Ants)in Space” ,Gallery Hirose, Takasaki, Gunma
2009 “Aris(Ants)in Wonderland” ,Gallery Hirose, Takasaki, Gunma
2008 “Things Around Me”,Gallery Hirose, Takasaki, Gunma
2007 “Ants with Many Kinds of Flowers”, Gallery Hirose, Takasaki, Gunma
2006 “Ants,Where Are You Going” ,Gallery Hirose, Takasaki, Gunma
*Selected Group Exhibition
2015 “Happy Spring Flowers ―Approach of Japanese Paintings”, Takasaki Tower Museum of Art, Gunma
“Art Exhibition in a Forest”, Nakanosawa Museum, Maebashi, Gunma, 2014
“Artist of Native District”, Tomioka City Museum of Art, Gunma, 2009~
2014 “Nobuko Suzuki,Mizuka Ueno Exhibition ”,Gallery Arakawa, Tokyo, 2007~
2013 “World of Insects of Art”, Takasaki Tower Museum of Art, Gunma
2011 “Collections of Taito City”,The University Art Museum‐Tokyo University of the Art, Tokyo, 2008
2008 “Breath of Verdure”, Takasaki Tower Museum of Art, Gunma
2007 “The Testimony of a Self‐portrait”, The University Art Museum‐Tokyo University of the Art, Tokyo
*Group Exhibition
Tokyo, Takasaki, Tomioka, Maebashi, Kyoubashi, Myouko, Izumozaki
*Other Works
Art Workshops: Takasaki Tower Museum of Art, Gunma・The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma
・Tomioka city museum of art, Gunma・Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi
Taito City, Tokyo・Teikyo University, Tokyo・University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki・Meido Eye Clinic, Gunma